Roger Gracie – Ultra Powerful Alien/Human Hybrid???

From The Fightworks Podcast, an interview with Robert Drysdale…

He is also incredibly strong. I don’t know if you guys saw this in the finals of 2007 but he ripped my gi. He just ripped my sleeve apart. That was a brand new gi that I had never worn before! That’s not normal! That’s not normal, I don’t care what people say. I have never seen that happen in my life. When he did that I was like, “Holy, &*#!” He was pulling against my sleeve, and I had my hand on his collar with a pretty good grip, and he kept pulling. I thought to myself, “You’re crazy, you’re never going to get my arm out of there”. It was stuck on his collar and it wasn’t going to move. And he kept pulling until he ripped my gi. I have never seen that before. That’s amazing when you think about it. How many people can do that? It’s not like it’s used or anything, it was brand new. The guy is incredibly strong. It may not look like it, but he’s a freak.

That is insane!

Subscribe to their podcast if you haven’t already.

Felicia Oh / Fightworks Podcast

One of the podcasts that I started listening to when I got my shiny new ipod touch earlier in the year was the Fightworks Podcast, and I’m glad I did. Hosted by the ever cordial Caleb, and another guy whose name escapes me because he doesn’t really say much, it’s a great show for you to get your BJJ dose when you’re out and about.


This week, they interview Felicia Oh. She seems to be a bit of a badass, and got her black belt from Jean Jacques Machado in a ridiculous four and a half years. That’s how long it took me to get my blue belt :-/

Last year she won first place at the Pan-Ams (black belt) in gi and no gi, and came second in the ADCC. What a beast!

Here she is, she looks pretty awesome to me…

The interview is great, check it out here, and if you haven’t already, subscribe to this shit via iTunes.